“The ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe.”
The FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines contain messenger RNA (mRNA) and other normal vaccine ingredients including fats, salts, and a small amount of sugar. The mRNA technology used has been in development for more than two decades, does not contain the virus, and cannot give you the virus. None of the authorized vaccines contain eggs, metal, fetal tissue, implants, or microchips.
Learn more about COVID-19 vaccine ingredients: https://www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/HealthU/2021/01/11/a-simple-breakdown-of-the-ingredients-in-the-covid-vaccines/ #GetTheShot #COVID19 #vaccine #vaccinesafety
The FDA-authorized #COVID19 vaccines contain mRNA and other normal vaccine ingredients including fats, salts, and a small amount of sugar. None of the authorized vaccines contain eggs, metal, fetal tissue, implants, or microchips. See all ingredients: https://www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/HealthU/2021/01/11/a-simple-breakdown-of-the-ingredients-in-the-covid-vaccines
“Los ingredientes de las vacunas COVID-19 no son seguros”.
Las vacunas COVID-19 autorizadas por la FDA contienen ARN mensajero (ARNm) y otros ingredientes normales de la vacuna, como grasas, sales y una pequeña cantidad de azúcar. La tecnología de ARNm utilizada ha estado en desarrollo durante más de dos décadas, no contiene el virus y no puede transmitir el virus. Ninguna de las vacunas autorizadas contiene huevos, metal, tejido fetal, implantes o microchips.
Obtenga más información sobre los ingredientes de la vacuna COVID-19: https://www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/HealthU/2021/01/11/a-simple-breakdown-of-the-ingredients-in-the-covid-vaccines/ #GetTheShot #COVID19 #vaccine #vaccinesafety
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Las vacunas #COVID19 autorizadas por la FDA contienen ARNm y otros ingredientes normales de la vacuna, incluidas grasas, sales y una pequeña cantidad de azúcar. Ninguna de las vacunas autorizadas contiene huevos, metal, tejido fetal, implantes o microchips. Vea todos los ingredientes: https://www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/HealthU/2021/01/11/a-simple-breakdown-of-the-ingredients-in-the-covid-vaccines/
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